Friday, February 08, 2002 - Posted by Cory Hutchinson at 12:49 PM     [submit news]

Mass Muggle Murders. That is what everyone is saying in the wizarding world today. Yesterday 100 Muggles were tortured and killed yesterday by the Death Eaters. Those who were tortured included babies, small children, and pregnant women. The torturings happened at a theme park ( a place where Muggles enjoy themselves). One of the Death Eaters was apprehended after the incident. His name was Norman LeFay ( a wizard from London). Lefay is has been at St. Mungo's for mental treatment. While being questioned he confessed to the Mass Muggle Murders and the kidnapping and murder of Alatta Cashe early this year. He also told officials that people inside the Ministry aren't all good. I was at his intarigation, adn here is the conversation that took place:

Official: Did you have any involevment in the Mass Muggle Murders?

LeFay: Yes... I tortured them all... One by one I killed them all.